home tour pt. 2: my shelves

One of the things that I love about our new home is that my office has shelves that take up the entire wall. As I began to fill them, I realized that this space could be so much more than just "me" and I invited my family to fill the shelves with their favorite books and such also. The end result was a floor-to-ceiling collection of the things that my family loves. Books, little knick-knacks, travel mementos, everything. Everybody's goodies are all smooshed together but you can still tell who's is who's. I just love that! I always leave this area feeling a little bit inspired. Do you have an area of your house that does the same?

xo, e.m.


  1. Aaw, I love the Russian dolls! So cute!

    It's such a great idea to get your family involved. Such a personal touch!


    1. Thank you! I love it, it's definitely something that brings us a little closer together :)

  2. Bonhoeffer!!!!! I want that book bad!!

    1. It's so good! I read Letters and Papers from Prison first and then I read his biography, I'd definitely suggest doing so in that order!
