If you read here often, you know this past year has been a bit of a struggle. I've gotten pretty good at coping and have made a bit of a "safe haven" in this "survival mode" way of doing life. While I will continue to work towards a better and more stable existence, I'm learning that true happiness is finding contentment in adversity. I've been working hard to appreciate the little things in life. Workaholics on Hulu, Ben & Jerry's Vegan Cherry Garcia, bike rides with Brenden, puppy cuddles with Charlie, driving with the windows down, and my coffee shop playlists are a few such things that are keeping me going. Not to get too corny or sentimental, but this blog is another one of those things. It challenges me and helps me grow as a sartorial enthusiast but also just as a person. I love experimenting with looks but also returning to some tried and true: floral, denim, and a hat. This is a classic "E.M." look-- An homage to a younger me and an inspiration to an older me.