
When you get your flower fix on, it's only natural to wear a floral dress, no? In my defense though, I didn't go to the Farmers' Market with the intention of buying flowers. Just wanted to walk around in this beautiful, breezy dress (from Fason de Viv) and grab an almond cappuccino from Bodhi. Morning well spent.

A Simple Grey Dress

When I first put this dress on, I looked at myself in the mirror and audibly uttered to myself "aw, hell no." Not that I hate the dress: it's gorgeous. It was just in that moment, I was forced to come to terms with each and every lump, crevasse, or otherwise protuberance on my body. A few minutes and a coping mechanism or two later, I took a deep breath and instead of hating what I saw, listed what I liked. With each and every one, the undesirable parts began to fade. Body-positivity isn't just something you come to terms with just once. It's a constant battle-- a lifestyle. (Fitting, since this is another post for which I teamed up with Fason de Viv.)

Black & Blue

For my second look for Fason de Viv, I chose to style these badass trousers. I wore them for a long day of filming and meetings. I like 'em because they're different from anything I would normally wear but they still fit into my wardrobe effortlessly.

Day & Night

This week, I'm teaming up with Fason De Viv to show you some of my favorite looks from her Old City boutique. Fason de viv simply means "lifestyle" in Haitian Creole. Her collection is for the free-thinking woman so for these posts, I took some risks. For example, this jumpsuit is backless. Terrifying, right? I love it though, because it transitions from "cute little playsuit in which to run errands and go to meetings over coffee" to "kinda sexy" for a night on the town.


Sometimes I don't mind being swayed and whipped by the wind. We only get a handful of extremely windy days here in Philly so I cherish them for their sparsity. I don't mind bad hair days every so often either. The two sort of go hand-in-hand, and much like the adversity I'm facing recently, they serve a purpose: to make sure we're truly grateful for the good ones.

Zodiac Tee

My friends at Future State sent me a few tees last month and this one was easily my favorite. I love that it's nice and swingy-- perfect for hiding those food babies. (We all get 'em.)

Bella Vista

Bella Vista. It's Italian for "beautiful sight" so I couldn't think of  better name for this neighborhood. It's picturesque, dotted by colorful murals and mosaics on nearly every corner. Danielle and I grabbed our new pal Gogo to soak up the local color at Rally, the neighborhood's newest gem.

Weird, Wonderful, & Wanted

Danielle and I make it a point to check out the latest street art and incorporate it into my blog. Philly has a lot of great murals and the like so they need to be shown off.  Bet you didn't think of Philly as a very artistic city? Neither did I until fairly recently.

Blue on Blue

Long time no see, eh? Sorry about that but I've got some pretty cool stuff in the pipeline at the moment. Ya girl just planned her first event, which went well, among a myriad of other things. I knew springtime was gonna get a little crazy but I didn't know it'd be like this. Not complaining though; just very excited to see what the near future holds.