Denim on Denim & Pink

Alright, I'm going to say it before somebody else does: "that sweater doe!" Did I just read your mind? There's a strange juxtaposition going on with my closet at this point in my life. A majority of my clothing is black, grey, or otherwise dark, moody tones. There may be a clean, minimalistic graphic tee thrown in there (black, of course) and the occasional brown accessory. Then, there things like this disgustingly cute pink deer sweatshirt. If somebody who does not know me was to sift through my wardrobe, she may assume that I am some sort of deranged adolescent. To complete the whimsical "dress up" look that I've got going on here, I paired the unexpected with some timeless brogues and a denim button-down, both given to me by one of my new favorite clothing companies, Joules. Their pieces are simple, classic, and extremely high quality. I love their versatility. I wear this button-down at least once a week, I'm not even joking. Check out their collection and keep your eyes out for a little collab with Joules, yours truly, and my beautiful friend Chaucee.


sweatshirt/ ASOS, button-down/ ℅ Joules, jeans/ thrifted, shoes/ ℅ Joules, bag/ Louis Vuitton, jacket/ F21 (on sale!), watch/ Michael Kors, lipstick/ Yves Saint Laurent Rouse Vermillion

*photos by Danielle Conyers // This post was sponsored by Joules however all opinions are my own.

Two Thanksgiving Drinks

Ah yes, Thanksgiving is almost upon us once again. It's that time of year when elastic waistbands become our best friends, mere hours after we join hands around the table and recite our thanks we nearly strange each other while waiting in line for the best deal, and our aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents all join forces in order to pester us about our current relationship statuses. (Or, lack thereof.) I'm kidding. (Kind of.) I love the holidays and Thanksgiving is a particularly cozy one. What's a good get-together without some high-quality spirits? Booze not for you? No worries, I'll let you know how you can also make these drinks alcohol-free.

Sage & Cranberry Cocktail
I fought the whole "cranberry drink" thing for a while. I mean, what right does cranberry have getting into all the other juices? I'm still not sold on combinations such as "cran-grape" but I do love me some sparkling cranberry juice. This drink is tart, earthy, and very light-- exactly what you need when you're stuffing your face with Thanksgiving dinner.
What you'll need:
 - Sparkling Cranberry juice
 - Lemonade
 - Art in the Age SAGE
 -  Sage and cranberries to garnish

Begin by filling a glass halfway with ice. Pour one part SAGE and two parts sparking cranberry over the ice. Add a splash of lemonade and stir. Garnish with fresh cranberries and sage leaves. You can make this large-scale by simply making in a pitcher and letting guests serve themselves. For an alcohol-free version, muddle some sage in the bottom of a shaker and mix with lemonade. Pour one part sage lemonade over ice along with one part sparking cranberry.

Boozy Apple Pie Float

This drink is a childhood favorite all grown up. Who doesn't like apple pie? Who doesn't like ice cream?  Thought so. This drink is spicy, rich, and perfect for dessert. It may seem somewhat innocuous but it packs a big punch.

What you'll need:
 - Apple Pie Moonshine (I like Ole Smoky but there are a lot of others.)
 - Spiced whiskey
 - Ginger beer
 - Ice cream (I used Amy's dairy-free Coconut ice cream)
 - A sprig of rosemary to garnish

Scoop 2-4 large spoonfuls of ice cream into a glass. Add two shots of moonshine, a splash of spiced whiskey, and fill the rest of the glass with ginger beer. Add a sprig of rosemary to garnish. For an alcohol-free version, simply substitute the booze with sparking apple cider and add a dash of cinnamon on top. 

Need some more Thanksgiving cocktail ideas? Try the Hot Ginger & Rhubarb Tea, Gingersnap Cocktail, or, if you can't wait until Christmas, this Minty Candy Cane Cocktail. Remember to sip responsibly!


A Moment of Honesty: Sequence

As broken bits of sun poured in through the cracks in the blinds this morning, I clutched my tankard of chocolate soymilk and thought to myself, "how did I end up here?" With my life rapidly changing and shifting form day after day, I've conditioned myself to be okay with the fluidity and to try to not be so controlling. With every day that trudges by, I realize that day is gone forever and such as the passing of days, so goes so many relationships, dreams and ideals. It blows my mind that those I've traveled halfway across the world with, shared kisses with, laughed and cried endlessly while sharing hearts, and stayed up at night worrying and seeking the approval of are all merely strangers now. They don't know this new me. I don't know them. They've been reduced to softly-flickering specters existing on some other, unexplored plane of existence. I think of the mountains that now seem more like gentle rolling hills, the raging firestorms that once threatened to take away my life that now seem like glowing embers left over in a familiar old fireplace. I have peace. Then I think of how the walls of the house I grew up in warp and shrink in contrast to the massive skyscrapers lining the city streets I now wander just searching for my next move. It's scary to think of how much can change. The more you grow, the smaller and more insignificant you become.

Getting older is a strange, strange sequence of events. I think that in order to remain positive, there's a lot that you must unlearn. Becoming cold and jaded simply cannot be an option but vulnerability is so difficult when we've been beaten down so many times. Letting a career become your identity is toxic but you've worked so hard to get to where you are. Fighting for relationships that are inhibiting personal growth is an unnecessary, daunting task but what if you're not ready to say goodbye? We've been taught to cling to what makes us feel comfortable but what is comfort if not the single most destructive thing that can happen to you in life, in love, or otherwise? It's more than scary. It's terrifying. Perhaps the worst of it all is that moment when you realize that you have very little, if any, whimsical childlike faith left. You feel as if you've disappointed younger versions of yourself for letting life happen instead of making life happen for yourself.

Though I am still figuring it all out, here is my advice to you: The refining process is immensely painful. Those incredibly dear to you will begin to fade and you'll resent them for it. They'll grow jealous of you and you'll be envious of them. Nothing is quite black and white and indifference is usually the path of least resistance. There will come a point where you will catch a glance of yourself in some reflective surface and not know the pair of eyes staring back. You will be tired and, at times, anxiety will overtake you. Look at your life though. Is it all you imagined it to be? More than likely it won't even be close. Realize that perception is relative though and nobody has the power to put you where you want to be but yourself and yourself alone. Realize that there is peace in uncertainty when you realize that you're writing your own story. Take a look at some historical figures who were able to lift themselves out of deeper adversity than you could ever imagine and realize that fear and unwillingness is the only thing holding you back. Forget about the naysayers and the ones who will try to spread doubt. Don't simply coast on your former accomplishments. Start fresh every day. Realize that complacency is the antithesis or progress and that goals were meant to be surpassed. There is no shame in having some sort of childlike wonder. Forget what science has taught you and imagine the stars as you would like to imagine them. Wear mismatched socks. Jump in puddles. Keep your chin up and you will be just fine.


*photos by Danielle Conyers

New York City in a Word

From French pervasus
Existing or spreading through every part of something

There are few things that I love more than New York City and beautiful words. Commune and Memoir has both. Regardless of how many times I climb up those subway steps and step out into the Manhattan light, I'm always without words when it comes to describing the energy and the gusto that fills the air. Commune and Memoir's collection captures this perfectly with the most stunning imagery. Check them out-- your vocabulary will be challenged and if you've never been to New York, you'll learn a thing or two about the city.


tee/ ℅ Commune and Memoir, flannel/ H&M, sweater/ H&M, jeans/ American Eagle, boots/ Charles by Charles David, hat/ Free People (similar), bag/ ASOS, watch/ Michael Kors 

*photos by Danielle Conyers. Follow her on Instagram!

City Girl

I remember walking up 5th by Central Park as a kid and wondering if I would ever be as self-assured as the women stomping here and there in their tall boots and oversized, drapey coats. It's a look that's unique to urban environments and one that I was finally bold enough to give it a go. While all the extra yards of fabric were admittedly not the most flattering, I was warm and I felt as if I could take over the world.


dress/ vintage via fog & driftwood, denim jacket/ GAP, wrap/ vintage, boots/ Charles by Charles David, bag/ ASOS, watch/ Michael Kors

**photos by Danielle Conyers. Follow her on Instagram!

Night Out

I don't go out too much. I won't even say "not that I don't like going out..." because that would be more than just a little white lie. I actually hate it. "Going out" does nothing for me. I prefer to spend my free evenings cooking a nice, healthy dinner, binge-watching House of Cards on Netflix, and then getting some precious sleep. I'm a homebody. Sometimes though, "going out" is unavoidable. If you're going to be dragged out of your comfortable home for a night of forced social interaction, you might as well look fabulous while doing so, no? 


top/ ASOS, skirt/ H&M (similar), coat/ ASOS, watch/ Michael Kors, shoes/ Christian Louboutin

Heart of Gold

I've been listening to a lot of Neil Young lately and I think he had something to do with this outfit. I don't hate it.


dress/ Urban Outfitters, jacket/ GAP, shoes/ Jeffrey Campbell, hat/ Free People


I haven't stopped wearing this bow tie since it arrived in the mail a few days ago. That is all.  


dress/ Nasty Gal, leggings/ ASOS, boots/ Charles by Charles David, hat/ Urban Outfitters (old, similar), bow tie/ ASOS, bag/ Michael Kors (old, similar)


It's a new month and I think it's time that we catch up again. 

Doing: I feel like I'm not "doing" a whole lot of anything until I get to the end of the day and realize that I haven't eaten all day because my schedule is so jam-packed. I'm one of those people who feels the need to be doing SOMETHING every second of the day. Productivity. It's my anti-drug. Since it's been so nice outside, I've been frequenting Tyler State Park and Wissahickon in my spare time. There is absolutely nothing like fresh, crisp autumn air. I go to those places to think about the big questions. If you're in your early 20's or even just a human being in general, you know all about those. It's so strange to me that so many of my peers are getting married, having babies, buying houses, or any combination of those things. I'm not digging the instability in my life but WOW, that seems insane! I still question the validity of my supposed "adulthood." I went to a bar with a friend the other day. Do you want to know what I decided to get? A Shirley Temple with extra cherries. Then I went home and made a grilled Daiya cheese sandwich. Yes. I am a womanchild.

Eating: I've been making pretty much the same thing for lunch every day for the past few weeks: baked tofu, mini Heirloom Tomatoes, alfalfa sprouts and kale on a Middle Eastern flatbread with hummus and olive oil. Oh, and ever since I've figured out that Sweetzels Spiced Wafers are vegan, they've been my once-weekly indulgence. (If you want to do it right, you have to open them and leave them on top of the fridge for a week or so. They get the perfect amount of soft/stale.)

Listening: In addition to my usual, confusing mix of Black Sabbath/Chelsea Wolfe/Kanye West/etc., I've been listening to lots of Stevie Ray Vaughan, The Doobie Brothers, and a ton Motown. Oh, and this song thanks to my good friend Hans.

Learning: I'm re-learning how to speak French! It's such a beautiful language. I used to be pretty good at it but when you don't get to use it regularly, you kind of lose it. So, if any of you speak French, let's chat.

Everything else: I live for Sunday mornings when I get out of work. I get done at 8AM on the weekends and it's given me a completely new appreciation for my city. When I leave work, it's just me, some city workers sweeping the streets, and a handful of dog walkers. I walk to the little coffee shop down the street, get an almond milk cappuccino, walk around for a little, and then bike home and take a nap. It's so quiet and dare I say... somewhat peaceful? I'm usually a night owl but I'm tempted to try to convert myself to a morning person. Have you ever tried to change up your routine? Even just once a month. Seriously. Try it.

So how about you guys? What's up?
